Where Creativity Blooms and Bonds Strengthen

Bayshore Craft & Connect

Where Creativity Blooms and Bonds Blossom

Meet Cindy Hanna Cornacchione:

The magic of crafting has been a part of my life since I was a child, sewing doll clothes, crafting unique gift wrap, macrame and numerous other creative projects have always been a  passion. As a retired teacher, I’ve  experienced the power of creativity to inspire and connect.

Those experiences are why I’ve created a  tranquil space by the bay

 The setting is a serene outdoor environment for women to rediscover their childlike wonder, learn new skills: decoupage, mosaic and other crafts,  w breathe new life into found and recycled materials. Join me in creating beautiful creations and forging lasting, meaningful friendships.

As wise women making the time to create and connect is a powerful element in finding the joy of bonding with other, like minded women. 

Looking forward to  creating with  you all,


Web site:  www.Bayshorecrafts.com
Email: Cindy@bayshorecrafts.com
Phone : +1 317-833-4468
FB, Profile: Cindy Hanna Cornacchione
FB, group: Women Craft & Connect
FB, page: Bayshore Craft & Connect
Meet Up: Bayshore Craft & Connect